It By Alexa Chung
02:03:00Hello Everyone!
I feel like every blog post is beginning with an apology, however I am so sorry for not posting regularly! Schoolwork near the end of term begins piling up, so I needed to take a little break! BUT, I'm on holidays now, so expect a lot more blogging! Maybe I should write some blog posts and schedule them so I don't forget?
Last year for my birthday, one of my closest friends bought me a book I had been longing for:
"It By Alexa Chung"
It has been a couple of months but finally I got around to reading it last weekend and I have finally decided to review it!
In her first book, international fashion trend-setter Alexa Chung shares her personal experiences, inspirations, thoughts and fashion advice. A collection of Alexa's deepest and most vivacious thoughts, she speaks of her early style inspirations (like her grandpa and The Spice Girls), discusses how to take a good selfie, reflects on heartbreak and talks about figures she loves, like Anna Karina and Winona Ryder in Heathers, all interspersed with vintage-styled photographs and doodles.
My Thoughts:
The problem is, you are either going to absolutely ADORE or absolutely DESPISE this book. There is no in-between.
For me, I am a fan! It is refreshingly down-to-earth, and satisfies my Alexa Chung obsession. I love her eclectic sense of style and charming wit, which is obviously reflected throughout the book. I can imagine Alexa sitting on the floor of her apartment in New York City, (most likely dressed in something equally indie and fashionable), writing and doodling. I, honestly, wasn't expecting this book to be an intellectual read, I mean, Alexa said that this book was merely a side project where she would just babble on about various things - but that is what is so charming about It. All it is, is a collection of notes, drawings and photos, yet I just loved the voice that was speaking to me through the pages - I really felt like I was having a conversation with Alexa Chung herself.
Okay, this book isn't just about fashion. She talks about experiences we have all been through, or are going to go through at least once. There is this section of the book where she talks about heartbreak and I read this part everyday, because it has changed the way I think about having a broken heart.
"There are upsides to despair. You can wear a blanket instead of a coat and your friends won't judge you. You can smoke indoors because nobody will have the heart to tell an inconsolable girl that a smoking ban has been in place for eight years. And you find out that people are very nice and they care about you em if the person you care about most doesn't. When somebody makes you laugh when you're sad, thats the most enjoyable laugh you'll ever experience. On a positive day during an outdoor and legal cigarette break I told a friend I was fine and trotted out the line 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. To which she replied, deadpan, 'thats not true, that which doesn't kill you makes you wanna die."
The nicest thing I heard during the worst time in my life was this: 'you have to suffer heartbreak so you know what to tell your daughter when she has her heart broken.' I'm Alexa Chung and one day I'm going to have a daughter and I'm going to know what to say to her. I'm going to say:
'Nobody goes through life without having their heart broken and one day you'll wake up and it will be okay.'"
Isn't that just so beautiful? Alexa isn't just philosophical, she also talks about partying, the do's and don't's of karaoke and most importantly - she teaches us all the proper way to take a selfie. Come on, now THAT is something we all must learn!
Alexa Chung's, It, taught me about love, life and fashion, by taking me on a journey of her life with her wit, humour and feisty attitude.
RATING: 5/5 Stars!
Leave your thoughts on this book / my review / Alexa Chung / fashion / selfies / or anything in between in the comments section!
-Tyra xx